Category Archives: Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: This and That

Here are some of the highlights from our last couple of weeks.  Since I am a day late, I won’t worry about being wordless – LOL.

Our church did “A Walk Through Bethlehem” that was a great hands-on experience.  We got to see pictures from Palestine and learned about the manger, we learned about pottery, baking, spices, woodworking, cooking, weaving, wine-making, games, and music that were contemporary to Jesus’ birth.  My two favorites were the spices, because it was neat to see that we still use many of them that are mentioned in the bible; and the donkeys because it really brought a vivid picture of Mary to mind.  I have traveled in the last week of pregnancy – can’t imagine making that journey on a donkey.

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Here are some other scenes:

Stretching out toes after flamenco class

Stretching out toes after flamenco class

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Morning smoothie brought to you via the Kitchen-Aid, the Champion juicer, and the Ninja blender 🙂 So delish – it was worth it!!

Wordless Wednesday: Thankfulness

What a wonderful day to reflect and prepare for Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Thank you to those of you that shared your family images with us.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours <3

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BLOG ww 1127 B6From our family to yours – Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wordless Wednesday: Family Stories

Here are some images that I feel epitomize our family, plus a lovely alumni student/reader share.  Thank you, J, for your generosity!

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An SPB alumni family

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Classic: Bruss is proud as punch and ready for a Proud Papa picture, I can’t take my eyes off the baby!!

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Meeting Night Owl for the first time – she did then, and still loves, holding babies

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Puma meets Charger for the first time; Night Owl isn’t sure what to make of things yet – it’s first time being “big”

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Puma is holding Charger while Daddy and Night Owl get a good look at our newest family member of 2009.

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Wide awake and enjoying our newest family member after our home birth…

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And Coach Bruss, sans endorphins, is wiped out – snuggling with Charger this time.

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Summer 2012

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Halloween 2013


Wordless Wednesday: Fall Fun on SPF

Cassandra and I have been busy with our littles!  The fall is such a perfect blend of sunshine and cooler weather…here is what we have been up to with our Sweet Peas:

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Pumpkin Patch

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Enjoying the last of the berries

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Fires at the beach

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The #kookaburra at National Geographic Kids’ Club

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Night Owl was my big helper at the gala fundraiser set up to benefit Dignity Healthcare Hospitals in the East Valley (AZ) – Chandler Regional and Mercy Gilbert.

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Checking out pioneer life at the Chuck Wagon Cook Off at Tumbleweed Ranch last weekend.

Happy Halloween 2013

So our #wordlesswednesday is a day behind…just in time to wish you Happy Halloween!  We are on a little stay-cation this week, sans nanny…so we are a little behind on all things internet as we enjoy our children.

ImagePicture from our trip to Bass Pro Shop – Otter didn’t know what to make of the big cut-outs!!

 Scenes from our little stay-cation:

  • Kiddos checking out the antique buggy decked out for fall
  • Changer indulged Puma in some face painting – we can’t decide if he is The Hulk, A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, or Franken-face


 Our family project – Halloween treats for family, friends and students
For full instructions, visit at
We simplified the instructions – no inking for us!!Image Image

Wordless Wednesday: Pumpkin Time!

Such a great season to be outdoors!  Now that our pumpkins are cleaned out, time to toast some seeds!!

Pictures this week are from our outing to Mother Nature’s Farm in Gilbert, AZ.  Of course, we happened to be there on the weekend when the REPTILES were out en force with the Phoenix Herpetological Society…

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To be clear, this was the sign by the farm animals, not the reptiles – LOL.

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Decorating the pumpkins included in the $10.00 admission – each kiddo gets pumpkin, a bag of stickers, and access to all the attractions. You only pay for food at this pumpkin patch, and any of the bigger pumpkins you want to take home.

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The Alligator – I had a mild heart attack when I realized this thing was alive and wandering around children.

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Southeast Asian monitor lizard

Wordless Wednesday: Daddy and Me – Babywearing Edition

One of the fringe benefits of The Bradley Method® is that most partners continue to be involved in caring for their children as they grow.  These partners continue to be committed to loving and nurturing their kiddos long after their original birth-day.

Here are some fan shares of babywearing daddies, plus a shot of Coach Bruss teaching our kiddos some Argentine tango basics.

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Wordless Wednesday: Out and About

Fall is in the air – perfect time to be out and about with our Sweet Peas!  This month I will be featuring all the different ways we enjoy life with our little ones…want to share your pics?  Please send your submissions to

Side note: special love to all of you affected by the 9/11/01 tragedy.  We will be out and about later at a Remembrance Event – I don’t know how anything will ever convey the sadness of that day to our littles, in the hope that when they are older, they will be inspired to spread peace. <3 <3 <3

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WW: A little of everything

In honor of Breastfeeding Awareness Month, we had the themes: Breastfeeding, Babywearing, Co-sleeping, and Coach Bonding.  Here are a few more pics that show a little of everything that we collected this month.

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Next week’s theme:  Exploring – share pictures of your children exploring experiences, places, toys…or your own take on the word “exploring”

Send your submissions to – thank you in advance for your generosity with your photos!