What did I just say about toxins?

So, yeah.  That post I wrote on Tuesday about making a complete switch over to greener cleaners??? That priority just got stepped up a notch.  I have two kiddos with headaches, dizziness, and nausea after our house was cleaned yesterday.

It is amazing to me how just one little thing can make such a difference for our systems.  We now have all the windows in our bedroom thrown open in the hopes that the room can air out enough for our kiddos to be able to feel better soon.

HERE is a link to my Pinterest board so you can see the places I find recipes for our cleaners.  I would love to hear what you do to clean green  in case we need to find other recipes when we make the final switch for our cleaning lady.  My big concern is that some of them leave residue that I don’t mind dealing with…she may not be to crazy about the extra steps when she is used to a simple spray and wipe.

Please leave me a comment and let me know your favorite green recipes, or you can email me your favorite links to sweetpeabirths{at}gmail{dot}com.


Thoughtful Thursday: New Normal

We have had several students welcome their second children this year.  It brings back memories.  Both Bruss and I remember going from 1 to 2 children as the hardest transition to make as we were adding children to our family…and maybe that’s because we have stopped trying for more children after we welcomed our fourth in 2011…anyway…

While it was hard to readjust to using the diaper bag again, the amount of time it took us to go from wanting to leave the house to actually leaving the house, the sibling rivalry…it was not until we welcomed our third in 2009 that I had an epiphany moment about my expectations and “normal”.

I remember sitting on the couch – overwhelmed with how much I needed to do, not being on top of my to-do list, feeling like I was neglecting my usually ordered life somewhere because I still felt like there was so much chaos.  And the realization hit me – our third child was already nine months old!  This WAS my normal…as I came to call it, my “New Normal”.

Once I accepted that things were never going to be like they were before, and that I was going to be okay with that, I made a new game plan.  I started by identifying my priorities.  Once I made those, I took a hard look at our day, and realized that although we liked our nanny, she was not the right one for our family.  Another adult in the house who made more work for me rather than make our day smoother was not an option anymore.

And yes, we have a nanny – that is one of the ways I am able to do all the things I want to do on a daily basis.  And I buy $5 pants from goodwill, or buy no pants at all and keep mending my torn pair because I would rather have a nanny than new clothes.  When we do buy new, we buy on sale, or we shop gently used at consignment sales.  We have also cut back in other areas so that I can keep that help, and still homeschool, teach childbirth classes, and devote time to writing almost every day.

My other “secret weapon” is an incredibly supportive partner.  He totally believes in co-parenting, and I know I can count on him to take care of the Sweet Peas when I need to go out and network, or go to meetings in the evenings.  He works hard to support our family, and allows us to afford the nanny so that I can be a mom, teacher and burgeoning free-lance writer.

I cringe to say I have found balance – I see balance as a stationary thing with no movement…I definitely don’t strive to be motionless.  I do aim to be kind, be peaceful, grow our children, grow & support our students, and grow as a writer, all while maintaining some sanity and a relationship with my partner and best friend.  I do look at our life every few months and try to figure out if we are at another “New Normal”, or if things are still going well as we go along.

As I reflect on the lessons of 2013, here are my big a-ha’s for this year:

  • Accepting that I need to sleep has been transformational.  Sleeping more than 6 hours a night has pretty much put Crazy Mama to bed and allowed Peaceful Mama to show up and stick around almost every day.  I love Peaceful Mama, and since she is who I want to be when I grow up, I am going to keep sleeping.  As a wonderful side benefit, I have barely had a sniffle all year long.
  • I embrace that I can only do so much.  I identified my two biggest priorities, and all other decisions stem from my ability to do those two things.  Wow – I can’t even begin to tell you how immensely freeing that has been.  It’s so easy to say no without regrets, and again, Peaceful Mama reigns the day because I am not overdoing things.
  • I have compartmentalized my time.  There is school time, social media time, and writing time.  Once that time is used up, then it’s face time with the kiddos. If things are not done within their time frames…move along.  By the end of the day, it all gets done, and if it wasn’t perfect…I am okay with it.  I feel like our children see me, and my face, instead of a shining computer screen, clicking keys, and my backside.

I am reflecting on 2013 and considering what I want 2014 to be like…I have some good ideas to build on the lessons I learned this year.

What is on your wish list for 2014??

P.S. Blue Russ from Blue Russ Health Coaching was instrumental in helping me identify and realize my “a-ha” lessons over the course of our coaching sessions.  I encourage anyone who is ready to grow to give her a call!


Wordless Wednesday: Making Memories

I wrote about finding peace throughout the holidays frenzy last month…going back and re-reading that now that we are in the thick of the season 🙂

Anyway – to kick off Wordless Wednesday this month, I thought I would share these free printables with you. Please print them if you would like a little Memory Keeper card for your Sweet Pea’s baby book or a scrapbook page. I hope they will be reminders to enjoy the holidays in the midst of all the hustle and bustle.

Season’s Greetings from all of us at Sweet Pea Families!

Holiday Mem.spf.Xmas

Holiday Mem.spf.Hanukkah


Holiday Mem.spf.Holiday


Holiday Mem.spf.Kwanzaa

Tuesday Tip: Living Green in ’14

Welcome to the December 2013 Carnival of Natural Mothering!

This article is a part of the Carnival of Natural Mothering hosted by GrowingSlower, Every Breath I Take, I Thought I Knew Mama, African Babies Don’t Cry, and Adventures of Captain Destructo. This month’s topic is Natural New Year’s Resolutions. Be sure to check out all of the participants’ posts through the links at the bottom of this page.
Bloggers, visit GrowingSlower to sign up to write for next month’s carnival.


December 2013 prompt:
Natural New Year’s Resolutions ~ We will all soon hear people around us resolving to change in the new year. But, one of the keys to natural living is to appreciate that we don’t need a new year for a fresh start. Each day, we have the chance to make better choice and form healthier habits. In December, we want to hear about your natural resolutions, regardless of the time of year you decided to change. Tell us your success stories (e.g., you reduced your family’s exposure to GMO’s), your future plans (e.g., you are going to work to stop yelling) or even about how you embrace each day’s potential for building new habits.

Our step onto the path of natural living started when we discovered one of our children was very sensitive to strong scents and perfumes – bye-bye conventional cleaners, scented lotions, and perfumed products.  Only later did we learn what a huge step that was.*

Next, we discovered he was allergic to the “easy” ingredients that are readily found in processed foods.  He cannot have wheat, eggs, soy, peanuts or hazelnuts.  That pretty much cut out the center of the grocery store for us.

The last event that cemented our commitment to more natural living was a day when I decided to read the labels on our personal care products that were labeled “natural”, and compare them to the EWG’s toxin list.  They were not even close to being as natural as they claimed to be.

The key to our shift in living and purchasing was doing one thing at a time.  If all those things had happened at once, I think I may have crawled into a hole and never come out.  That was not an option, though – it hardly ever is.  Even if you don’t have a child’s needs motivating you to make a change, you can make a list of all the things you want to change for your family.  Then prioritize it, and take one thing at a time.

We started by shifting to the Clorox Green Works line of cleaners (stay with me!), and giving or throwing away all my perfume and lotions. Then we started learning about gluten-free and egg-free eating.  It became easier as I realized that there were still over 2000+ foods he could eat – I just needed to shift my perception.  Since soy needs to be out, too, it cuts out a lot of the food in the gluten-free aisle as well.  Soy lecithin is a popular, inexpensive ingredient across the grocery store aisles.  Hence, the commitment to whole food eating was cemented.  You can’t find chemical additives or preservatives in fresh fruits and vegetables!  You do have to be aware of pesticides – that inspired our commitment to know our sources.

Then started the search for personal care products that were “safe”.  We started by asking our “crunchy” family and friends what they used.  If they made the EWG “cut”, we tried out their favorites to see how they fit our family.  If not, we kept looking.   Hours were spent reading every label on every product labeled “natural” in the natural stores to see what we were going to allow into our home.

Looking around on the EWG site, I also discovered their cleaning guide.  The cleaners that I thought were “green” were tossed out!  We started making our own cleaners.  Little by little, we have been lobbying our cleaning lady to make the switch to our home-made cleaners that use vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, baking soda, and castile soap.  She is coming around.  There is a compromise because I don’t want to lose her help cleaning for our active family of six!

We continue to take baby steps every day.  As we learn more about organic foods, we are growing our own, shopping the farmer’s market, and choosing organic over conventional when it makes sense.  We wash all our produce with baking soda and rinse it longer than we used to.  We take time to cut our own fruits and vegetables for snacks instead of buying packages of gluten-free crackers or pretzels.  We shop local for breads that are made at a gluten-free bakery.  We have found that knowing the source and shopping local is one of the best ways to ensure we are staying true to our commitment to live green.

How does it work in real life?

  • We take time to pour our own water in stainless steel water bottles instead of buying plastic containers on the road.  Each kiddo is in charge of their own bottle in the morning, or sometimes Night Owl surprises us all and has them filled before we need to get going.
  • We always keep fresh fruit and vegetables in the house.  Costco is carrying organic, or we buy from the organic section at Sprouts, or we hit the farmer’s market.
  • We pre-cut fruits and veggies for the week and leave them in containers for the Sweet Peas to help themselves.
  • We grow our own greens – it is amazing what your children will eat if they have had a part in growing it!  Look into hydroponics or a Tower Garden (aeroponics) if you want to grow year round.
  • We make our own juice – KitchenAid has a juice attachment for juicing citrus, or we use our juicer for apples, strawberries, and carrots for the Sweet Peas.
  • We make water infusions to add variety – our faves are lemon-cucumber water, strawberry-basil water, and orange-basil water.  There are so many things you can add to water at night that yield a yummy flavor in the morning.  Go for it – come up with your own family favorites.
  • We travel with a cooler and ice packs for our snacks.  Our favorite road snacks are cut fruit, carrot sticks, hummus, cheese and crackers.  We also buy dehydrated strawberries from Trader Joe’s for road tripping – fresh strawberries can be messy!
  • We have reusable wipes instead of disposable.  They wash right along with our diaper wraps.
  • We have made the switch to un-paper towels.  Even though we can’t use them in the microwave to warm food, we can use them for everything else.  The amount we have cut back on paper towels is astounding.  We have gone from using 2-3 rolls per week to about one-two per month.  We buy ours from Shannon’s Cloth and More.
  • Personal care products: we use Dr. Bronner castile soaps, Earth Mama Angel Baby products for the Sweet Peas (and I love their Angel Baby lotion!), and Puma and I like the Whole Foods 365 line for shampoo and conditioner (she likes citrus, I use mint).  I am not 100% happy that they use soy…there is a little trade-off for a product that cleans our long hair without drying it out or leaving it greasy and stringy.  We recently discovered a local product to replace shaving cream – check out Zoaps !

The next area on my list to “green” is our children’s toys and clothing.  I am slowly finding more organic fabrics to choose from.  We are being more mindful about buying less plastic and more wood, even though to be honest, the holiday season is grinding me…our boys love the plastic!!  To that end, I ordered a modular castle I think they will love from Manzanita Kids.

If you want to resolve to Live Green in ‘14, I encourage you to go for it!  Start with the area that is the most important to you, and just start by changing one thing.  You can change one thing!  Once you do it, and prove to yourself that you can change one thing, pick a new thing.  Little by little, one change at a time, you are living greener than you were yesterday.  By simply choosing one change per month, that will be 12 greener choices over the course of the year.  The great news is you can start your journey to Be Green anytime – any day can be the day you make a choice to do one thing for better health.

* There are thousands of unregulated chemicals being used in the cleaning and cosmetics industry because they are not “food” or “medicine” (click HERE for more info on the cleaning industry, and HERE and HERE if you are ready to start “greening” your personal care products).


SBS Support for the Mama Tribe

Cassandra had the wonderful idea of featuring mama-run businesses in advance of Small Business Saturday.  As the consumerism reaches peak-fever at the big box stores and shopping malls, there is a movement to shop local and support our neighbors.  Not all the the listings here are local to AZ, and almost all businesses will ship…so check out these amazing mama-preneurs and consider letting them help you get your holiday shopping gift list done!

AZ Family Massage

Massage in your home for $99 !  We also offer massage classes.  Our next class is Infant Massage in the park in tempe on the 1st and Couples Massage at HA yoga on the 12th.  Connect with us on Facebook for more information about upcoming classes and events.
(480) 788-6047BLOG sbs AZFM

Breastfeeding for Boobs App

Quoted from the website:
The new app has 103 entertaining and educational three-minute videos, 350 easy to read original articles and hundreds of pictures that allow woman to identify their problems then find quick and easy solutions.  Sara Chana [IBCLC] provides accurate conventional medical advice through this app as well as hundreds of natural alternatives for woman of the ‘Green-Generation.’BLOG sbs SCBFB

Go Go Natural

At GoGoNatural www.gogonatural.com Save 20% off storewide with the code BLFR13
This year’s doorbusters (coupon does not stack on these) DinkleDooz 50% off, Select GroVia Buy 2 Get 1 Free, SoftBums Bamboo Starter Pack, Rockin Green Special Edition, and more! Giveaways daily!
Check out all the specials for the Friday – Sunday HEREBLOG sbs GGN logo

Modern Betty

Top selling product – featured by FitPregnancy:

Modern Mommy Boutique

Baby scales, certified lactation consultant, nursing classes & information, products to increase milk supply, nursing tanktops & camisoles, pajamas, lingerie, maternity & nursing clothing, huge selection of slings & baby carriers, stylish diaper bags, award winning infant toys
Facebook Page
480-857-7187BLOG sbs MMB

Moon Dreams Music Recording Group, LLC

We are an Independent Record Label specializing in lullaby music for babies and their parents.  Our Cd, “Carousel Dreams – A Collection of Lullabies” is the winner of a Parents’ Choice Award, iParenting Media, and National Parenting Publications Award.  Our soothing collection of lullabies includes music and vocals, interwoven with the soft gentle sounds of night sounds, the ocean and gentle breezes.  Also included are lyrics to each song.  Along with our music, we also have a Collection of gifts with our logos and cd art.  We are currently working on new music to be released shortly.
www.zazzle.com/moondreamsmusic*/BLOG sbs MDM

Shannon’s Cloth & More

We sell reusable cloth items like mama cloth pads, nursing pads, un-paper towels, cloth wipes, and more! Make going Eco-friendly cute, functional, and affordable!!!!
www.facebook.com/shannonsclothandmoreBLOG sbs SC&M

Surrender Birth Services

Doula & Christian Childbirth Educator in East Valley & Phoenix, AZ
Gift Certificates Available

Cassandra’s Favorite e-stores:

Graphic Tees:

Digital Art Prints:

Handmade Cards & Custom Invitations:
http://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ModernBettyShop – local AZ

Artist & Band Merchandise
 – local AZ

Leather Baby Moccasins

“fashion-forward shirts with eye-catching designs”

“online children’s boutique of modern and vintage clothing”

Our Shameless Plug:

And last, but not least, please consider sharing our love of birth, babies and breastfeeding by gifting logowear from our Cafe Press Shop: http://www.cafepress.com/sweetpeabirths

Happy Holiday Shopping to you!  At the end of the day, remember that our families will remember the memories more than they will the gifts.  It’s okay if it doesn’t all get done in a day.  So breathe in deeply, exhale and look at the wonder around you from your children’s perspective…this is a magical time of year.

Do you have a business that should be on this list?  Do you have a favorite shop or vendor that should be on our list?  Please email your submissions to sweetpeafamilies{at}gmail{dot}com.

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Wishing you and your Sweet Peas a very blessed day.  We enjoyed doing lots of baking today!  I would love to read about some of your holiday traditions.  One of the beautiful things about growing a family is that it is never too late to start your own!  What did you do today?

Wordless Wednesday: Thankfulness

What a wonderful day to reflect and prepare for Thanksgiving tomorrow.  Thank you to those of you that shared your family images with us.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours <3

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BLOG ww 1127 B6From our family to yours – Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday Tips: Heart-shaped Apple Snacks

Does anyone else out there like to shake it up a little and keep things “fresh” for their Sweet Peas?  I do.  However, our fun has to be fast and easy.  Here is a fun way we have been enjoying apples.

BLOG tt apples.1

I have been using a heart-shaped cookie cutter from William-Sonoma to make these fun mini-hearts for our kiddos to snack on.  Served fresh, you can pair them with spreads (our favorite is the Cocoa Almond spread from Trader Joe’s), dips, or cheese.

Here is how we do it.  I included the ruler size because I am a doubter.  When someone writes a recipe or makes a video and tells me they used 1/4″ slices, I want to know if they are guessing, or they really mean it.  No guesswork involved for our friends:

First, slice an apple into 1/4″ rounds.  BLOG tt apples.3

The diameter of the apples that yielded double hearts from one slice were 3 and 3/8 inches in diameter.  These were Jonagolds that we bought from Costco.BLOG tt apples.2

Now that we have the OCD part out of the way, here comes the fun stuff 🙂  The how-to is under the pictures, in the captions.

Make star-centered hearts by centering the shape cutter on the apple.

Make star-centered hearts by centering the shape cutter on the apple.

To get two hearts out of the same round, start by placing the wedge of the shape cutter over the stem of the apple.

To get two hearts out of the same round, start by placing the wedge of the shape cutter over the stem of the apple.

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Then move the shape up and cut your second heart.

You can serve them plain, or with a spread, dip or cheese:

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Or, you can add cinnamon and sugar and serve them raw:

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Night Owl’s favorite way is to have “hot apples” – he loves them warm out of the oven 🙂

Charger was my big helper on picture day - he helped brush them with melted butter, and then we sprinkled them with our cinnamon-xylitol blend.

Charger was my big helper on picture day – he helped brush them with melted butter, and then we sprinkled them with our cinnamon-xylitol blend.

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These were baked for 10 minutes in our 350 Fahrenheit convection oven.

From start to finish, the raw version takes about ten minutes.  The hot apples took about 30 minutes to prep with little hands help, and then 10 minutes in the over.  We snacked on the scrap edges while we were prepping, and saved them to munch on throughout the morning.

I think this kind of project is perfect for Sweet Peas who want to help in the kitchen, especially on big cooking days like Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter.  It’s enough for them to really help, without taking a chance at inadvertently having one of your major dishes altered in a way that may test your gentleness when you are feeling “perfect” pressure.

It also makes a delightful Sunday morning treat.  The “hot apple” version is great for cooler weather.  I can see us doing this with different shapes as the seasons change.  Why buy guilty gummy treats infused with chemicals and questionable ingredients when you can turn apple slices into fun shapes?  Who says that fresh can’t be fun??

As you may have noticed, this treat is also gluten-free.  I can see us making these to take along when we go out to dinner, party, etc., and we want to ensure our kiddos get a “safe”, yummy treat.  It’s simple enough that we could bring enough to share, and also budget-friendly so we could do so without straining the wallet.

I hope you enjoy making these with your Sweet Peas.  Leave us a comment and let us know how you added your own moxie to the idea 🙂

Monday Musings: Living Gentle

This is one of Cassandra’s favorite quotes that she shared with me over the weekend.  As it turns out, it is exactly what I needed today.  We have a second child down with a crazy fever.  Lying in bed with her today, cradling, nursing…when I had fun art projects planned, writing and posting to do…ugh.

This sense of UGH could have permeated our whole day if I had let it.  Instead, I am just breathing.  Breathing before I speak.  Breathing before I write.  Breathing as our nursling latches again.

And so far, so good.  I have caught myself a couple of times and changed my tone.  I chose to be flexible and simply set-up the art project without participating.  The work that resulted was great…one more confirmation that letting our children think and create for themselves is a great thing!

So, on this day that could have been full of the side effects of my disappointment, the kiddos have had a pretty decent day.  Puma made nutritious smoothies that also turned into popsicles, the only thing Otter has eaten today, besides chocolate chips.  Now Puma and Coach Bruss are making chocolate chip cookies (which was supposed to be “our” thing), and it will probably turn into the second thing Otter eats – LOL.  I can hope that we can all look at today and learn that gentleness and self-control are possible, even when things don’t go according to plan.

The silver lining?  Thank goodness that Otter is still nursing.  She is refusing ibuprofen and most food, so skin-to-skin, liquid food is just what our toddler needs right now.  Everything else has gone on, the world is not going to end because I didn’t get to do what I had planned today…nourishing and nursing this sweet pea back to health is definitely the best choice I could make for today.

Thank you, Parenting Wild Things, for the great mantra and the beautiful image.  HERE is a link to the post that featured this image.

Attachment Parenting: Responding With Sensitivity

I was so glad to be able to attend another monthly meeting of the Attachment Parenting Support Group this month.  I always learn something, and there is usually an a-ha moment or two!

“Responding With Sensitivity” can be a way to prevent the need to discipline when behaviors are a result of acting out.  Remove the need to act out, and you remove the need to discipline for that instance.  It can also circumvent or redirect behavior if a child is already moving down the path to needing help to make kinder choices themselves.  Meeting them where they are at, at their level, listening to what they need, redirecting if necessary – those actions from the parent that honor the child can make all the difference in their world.

Here are the three behaviors shared with us in yesterday’s meeting by Amanda, our AP facilitator in the Phoenix area:

1.  Show interest in your child’s activities and participate enthusiastically in child-directed play.
This made so much sense.  We can spend the day telling our children what to do: go here, go there, do this, stop that…I can see how it gets to be too much.  It must be so rewarding as a child to feel like your word counts because for once, one of your favorite adults is happy to do what you want to do.

2.  Some children enjoy programs where parents are not included.
There are children who will thrive in a home environment, there are others that will enjoy a group environment.  If your child is one who craves groups, then we as parents need to gauge our child’s readiness to spend significant time away from us.  Our other responsibility is to learn about the type of support provided by the adult caregivers.  How do they run the classroom/group? What are their expectations?  How do they set boundaries?  Are those things (and more!) in line with your beliefs?  One thing that was not brought up in the meeting, but that comes up because of my own backstory is to ask if the care providers have been trained, screened, and/or cleared for child care.

3.  Babies’ brains are extremely immature – the more you soothe them, the more they learn about soothing themselves. 
This particular facet piqued my interest, especially after Tuesday’s post.  I am intrigued by the idea that the more they are comforted, the more skills they have at doing the comforting.

The simplicity of this principle really struck me, and confirmed once again, that AP can work because you are respecting your child as a whole person who has needs, however they are able (or unable) to communicate them.  It is our role as parents to slow down, listen with our hearts as well as our ears, and meet that child where they are.

When I think of, “Responding With Sensitivity”, it means that we are intentional about nurturing, comforting, and being kind to our children.  Not just when we can see them start heading to a melt down – all the time.  To me, it means I want to learn to move through the day with the mindset that we are meant to nurture, comfort and be kind *always*.

I know whenever I hear our child crying or whining, my first thought, especially when I am tired, is typically to think, “What now?”  AP teaches that any behaviors out of their ordinary usually indicate that they have a need that isn’t being filled.  I am training myself to learn to ask, “Which need is not being met?”  I know that they are not setting out to ruin or manipulate when I am rested…I want to remember that when I am tired, too.

With an infant, the needs are pretty easy to identify after four kiddos…wet, hungry, tired, in need of more/less touch?  I am having a harder time – maybe you have a suggestion to help me formulate a toddler list when they are not always able to use words.  So far my checklist includes: hungry, tired, eye contact and attention…what else should I add to my list?

Our older kids are “easy” to decipher thanks to spoken language and body language .  Now I am waiting for the hormones to kick in and make me learn AP skills for tweens and teens…

I am still pondering the sleep statement.  I wonder if that is why some babies rock when they are tired?  And it brings up the never-ending debate of nature versus nurture.  Can I teach my “high-needs” child to soothe themselves?  Can we nurture them out of their nature?  Do we want to?

So for now, sleep will continue to be something I am just happy to “roll” with (pardon the pun!).  If it works for our family, we will go with it.  If it doesn’t, we will try other ideas, until we find the next something that works “for now”.

The big a-ha moment from yesterday:  AP takes time.  A Lot Of Time.  Time I don’t always want to take because our “demand change now tape” from my reflexes takes over.  I worked so hard to never bark out orders at my adult staff and co-workers – why would I treat my children with any less respect?  Unfortunately, my reality is that it is SO much faster to bark a directive than it is to breathe, reflect, and get down on our child’s eye level and nurture them.  However, seeing the moments when an older child remembers to breathe instead of react, the time when they look a sibling in the eye to ask, “are you okay”…those are the rays of promise that efficiency *is not* everything.  Nurturing with love and respect is worth it every time.

So I will continue to try to erase the “fast” tape and replace it with the “intention” tape.  I can see it’s worth it, and I want to allow our children the space to know that they are worth my time.

I will close with this video that I ran across today.  It was put together by Rachel Rainbolt, M.A., and it offers more insight on the biology of infant sleep:


Do you want to keep up with information about the Attachment Parenting of Phoenix group?  It is facilitated by Amanda Santana, and meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month.  You can find her at Nurtured Beginnings on Facebook HERE

P.S. We are having a great opportunity to try out Responding With Sensitivity today.  We have one Sweet Pea with a fever that hasn’t broken, two tired parents, and three other Sweet Peas who want and need attention…definitely time to breathe, speak with kindness, and parent with the intention of meeting everyone individually and respond to that particular child’s needs.