We have children with food allergies…biggest one being gluten. We also stay away from soy and artificial food coloring. So we are doing lots of toys and limited candy.
Here is what I have lined up for their Easter baskets so all the kiddos have the same loot and I don’t have to worry about cross-contamination or curiosity:

I literally cannot bring myself to buy any other chocolate out there – this is literally the best and they are starting to make more child-friendly flavors. They weren’t too crazy about the chili or the orange infused pieces…peppermint was a big hit, and I am guessing that the pink salt is going to disappear 🙂

Dr. McStuffins is a little juvenile for Puma, got them because she wants to be a vet when she grows up; Otter will love the little food and water to feed her babies.
We also have a VERY SPECIAL DELIVERY coming from Georgetown Cupcake – can’t wait to see their faces when we get to Easter Brunch at my aunt’s house on Sunday and they have their GF Easter treats from their favorite cupcake shoppe 🙂
I waived the sugar restriction because I am willing to put up with a couple of days of crazy (it literally makes Night Owl into a filter-less maniac) so that we can treat them to some candy. I am fingers-crossed that we all survive. Monday will probably be a reading day for Night Owl – I don’t know if he will be able to be still…
For those of you that celebrate, have a blessed Easter. I know that the season has nothing to do with eggs and bunnies, really. We are so thankful for God’s mercy and the sacrifice of His beloved Son for our redemption and salvation. As I embrace and treasure our children, I cannot even imagine the love that God and Jesus have for us – it is beyond my human understanding.