I love this theme: Anyone who has breastfed knows that it is definitely a journey. It is not always easy, it is not always convenient, yet we persist because their is a core belief inside of a breastfeeding mother that it is the right thing to do. I know very few breastfeeding mothers who do it out of obligation; though they exist. No mommy wars here: I am by no means saying that mothers who went the formula route love their children any less. I am marveling at the fact that there is a proven biophysical response built into the breastfeeding relationship that makes us fall a little more in love every time we breastfeed – and I am fascinated at the way our bodies work.
With that, here is a great family picture of a mommy nursing a baby, a big sister nursing her dolly, and daddy looking on in love at his family:
Although I have shared the next two before in other posts, they went along with the heart theme in the pictures. Here are our breastfed babies, who in all, have been breastfed a total of 125 months:

Charger was my big helper on picture day – he helped brush them with melted butter, and then we sprinkled them with our cinnamon-xylitol blend.