We (the Bowmans) have really enjoyed our downtime from the computer and facetime with our kiddos! I hope it was as lovely for Cassandra’s family as it was for ours, to have Daddy home!
Now we are pretty much back into the swing of things – and here is our first #wordlesswednesday for 2014. I am going to start a page for you to see upcoming themes, and to keep an archive of past pictures so you can take courage – we are busy, messy, and there is still time and space to breathe and to love.
Here are some pictures from our family and some submissions from our facebook fans. As always, we are so grateful for the opportunity to share them – thank you for trusting us to share your images respectfully.

This is how you get three kiddos (in five different costumes) dressed for a Christmas show when Coach is in the audience. Thank you #beco #butterfly for being a mama-sanity saver once again!