Traditions – the most beautiful thing about that word to me, is that there is always an opportunity to make new ones. As we grow our family, we are finding a rhythm and developing new ones, dropping the ones that do not serve us into a healthy, whole lifestyle. The one we did on New Year’s Day is definitely a keeper and one we will do again – maybe even do a mid-year version to energize us until the next New Year.
A mama from a facebook group I belong to shared the project I am sharing with you today. I was instantly drawn to it because it would allow us as a family to state intentions, and then display them symbolically to remind us without all the added pressure of time, “resolution” and ultimately, failure when the motivational firecracker burnt out.
The idea is to write down your intentions, hopes, dreams, aspirations, blessings…what ever you are striving for in this journey. Then tie them to a tree, or whatever else is in your space that would serve as a visual reminder that these have been stated and released to the Universe in all it’s wisdom. If you are spiritual, you can liken this to a Prayer Flag, sending good intentions, blessings and sweet wishes into the surrounding area. Yes, please! We can definitely benefit from that positive energy all through the year.
Coach Bruss, who rarely gets jazzed about actually writing in his own hand, really got into this. He wrote down more intentions than anyone else. We had the kiddos write/draw, even my parents wrote intentions. My sibs and I also shared wishes when we had our sibling breakfast over Christmas week…I wrote those down and put them up, too. This little tree is just bursting with hope for 2014.
It has such a neat metaphor – as the tree grows, so will the hopes and dreams and wishes that are tied on to the branches. Maybe they will be blown off and carried up and away into the wind; maybe they will fall of and become part of the cycle that feeds the tree. The beautiful thing is that we could all participate as a family. Now we see and enjoy our decorated tree every day, and we have gentle reminders of the greatness that we are striving for.

All the kiddos came up with at least two – at the very least writing their name. Puma wrote her own, Night Owl and Charger dictated and added their names, Otter had to “do it myself”. Drawings were welcome, too.

Lots of wishes – this is my biggest intention. I like Peaceful Mama so much! Forgive me as I take time to sleep this season – we are slowly ramping up to regular posting because I like Peaceful Mama a lot more than I like being a social media junkie 🙂

Our 2014 Intention Tree – visible from all the front windows and as we leave/enter the driveway – so much love is vested into this tree <3
Happy New Year to all of our readers in 2014. We would love to hear what you are doing and dreaming of as the year unfolds!