Category Archives: Breastfeeding

Thoughtful Thursday: Overwhelmed

Today I am sitting here in absolute awe of the amazing community of people we have met through our childbirth classes.  We just received and collected over 400 ounces of breastmilk from five different mothers.

THIS mama has been in the hospital for several days, and she needs to pump and dump due to the medications she is on.  Her doula was able to collect milk for the first few days of her hospital stay.  When I made the delivery today, they were literally down to the last bag of breastmilk.

God is good, He provides, and He Has Humbled me.  I need to be more grateful for the amazing people he has placed in our path, and for our incredible health that allows me the ability to breastfeed without giving it a second thought.

So, please, if you are in a position where breastfeeding is not an option, please keep in mind that you can supplement with donor milk.  There are two organizations dedicated to connecting mothers who can give to mothers who need – check out Eats on Feets or Human Milk 4 Human Babies to see which one has networking groups in your area.

If you have enough supply, and you have it in your heart to add a pumping session to your day, your precious milk would definitely be appreciated by a mother in need near you.  Eats on Feets has also created donation/recipient screening guidelines – check them out HERE.

Great news – it sounds like Mama is coming home sooner than later.  I am thrilled that she has a stash of milk. It may give her peace of mind that baby is getting breastmilk while she rebuilds her own supply, and allows herself the time she needs to heal so she makes a complete and full recovery.

Cooler full of milk - 400+ ounces for a MotherBaby who couldn't breastfeed due to a hospitalization.

Cooler full of milk – 400+ ounces for a MotherBaby who couldn’t breastfeed due to a hospitalization.

Thank you gifts for all these amazing women - to be enjoyed by their Sweet Peas :)

Thank you gifts for all these amazing women – to be enjoyed by their Sweet Peas 🙂

Baby Turns One: You Are Now Breastfeeding a Toddler

IMG_5949 By Cassandra Okamoto, Blog Contributor

It does not feel like I have a toddler. While my son is not actually toddling around quite yet, his first birthday has come & gone and left us staring the unchartered waters of toddlerhood in the face. We both don’t quite know what to expect.

We did pass that first birthday mark without a consideration of weaning from the breast though, which I almost always forget is “unconventional”. Like I said, he still very much seems like a baby in many senses and babies want mama’s milk, same as toddlers do to it seems 🙂

Our choice to continue nursing past the one-year mark involves many factors, below are three of the bigger ones:

1) We have not received any vaccines *yet* and I am most comfortable with this path as long as we are still nursing and do so until at least 2 years of age. This is also the recommendation from Dr. Sears if you are choosing not to vaccinate. Source: The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child, By Dr. Sears

2) Nutritionally there is still a requirement for “milk” until age 2. The majority of children start receiving cow’s milk at one year, the AAP recommends 16 oz of whole milk until the age of 2. Source Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5 (Copyright © 2009 American Academy of Pediatrics) Logically, if my child still requires milk why would I take him off of my milk and switch him to milk from a cow?


3) It isn’t time. Motherhood has taught me WAY too many things to be honest, but the biggest ones are to trust myself, and go with the flow (no pun intended!). I will know when it is time for both of us. It might not happen at the same time, maybe it will, but right now neither of us are there. We both are in fact ready to night wean though, more on this in a little bit.

So we have decided to continue on in our breastfeeding journey, but feeding a little baby at the breast is NOT the same as feeding a toddler at the breast. Personally, it has been a very hard transition for me. Breastfeeding actually did NOT come easy to us after birth, once my son was finally feeding at the breast we dealt with horrific reactions to proteins from many different foods in my milk and crazy elimination diets for me that lasted until he was 4 ½ months old.

Then it was the snacking. My son has always been a “snacker” at the breast and I was filled with constant worry and anxiety that he was not getting enough because he never fed longer than a couple of minutes, if that. Then it was distracted nursing, then it was only nursing at night, then it was the other nipple twiddling that would NOT STOP, and then we went through this period where he would lay calmly and take his time and nursing was oh my gosh BLISSFUL!

It was what everyone had been talking about this whole time and I felt relaxed and full of love, and then, it ended. And we entered into toddler breastfeeding, which although may not be the hardest of them all is definitely very difficult, especially when it seems more of a longer-term reality as opposed to “just a phase” like the other frustrations I mentioned. After a little bit of research, some trial and error, talking with other mamas, and attending a La Leche League meeting I put together some things that I think will make breastfeeding a toddler a little easier.

Boundaries: Discipline has such a negative connotation, especially when gentle parenting is involved. But I have learned that productive, respectful boundaries and discipline are really going to be essential for us. My doula says that “nursing a tiny baby on demand is entirely different than nursing a demanding toddler” and it is something I find myself repeating daily!

My son pulls down my shirt whenever/wherever, throws himself backwards or kicks when he wants milk NOW, will point and cry whenever I am changing clothes, throws huge fits because he wants to go back and forth nursing off of each breast (I still don’t know why this is?) and all of these things have put a huge strain on our nursing relationship. It makes me resentful, frustrated, consider weaning completely, and overall just feel very out of control. After I recognized it was time for us to set boundaries I turned again to Dr. Sears and ordered The Discipline Book: How to Have a Better-Behaved Child From Birth to Age Ten. I have not started reading it yet and am not sure exactly how I am going to go about setting boundaries as it relates to nursing but I know for us there will be no more “self serving”, or hitting and kicking mama for milk, nursing during meal times while simultaneously wanting to eat solid food, and no more pacifying at the breast throughout the entire night. I mentioned it earlier, and it is my next main point…

Night Weaning: I am not suggesting that as soon as your baby turns one he/she needs to be night weaned, not at all. Here are some other reasons why a mom might wean: mom is pregnant, Mom wants to increase fertility & become pregnant, Mom goes back to work outside the home and needs more sleep, etc.

In addition to the strains on our nursing relationship I mentioned above, my son wakes every 45 to 60 minutes throughout the entire night to nurse. He spends a lot of his time “sleeping” while still sucking at the breast and no matter how deep of a sleep I think he may be in, protests whenever I try to unlatch him. Teething has made this even worse and because he is half (or more) asleep while using his breast pacifier his latch becomes shallow and he bites with his top teeth so the nipple won’t sneak out, I am often half sleeping too and it will often go on for hours. This has caused a huge injury to my left nipple that is taking weeks to heal and is making all feedings very painful! Recently I have gone through long periods where I “hate” nursing and when I stop to really think about it and consider what not nursing my son at all anymore looks like I realize it isn’t nursing that I dislike, it is nursing all throughout the night.

I have considered night weaning in the past because of just plain sleep deprivation but it never felt right, after a year I had a complete shift in my heart. I just felt it was time. My son needs his own space, he has made that very clear to me and he also needs more sleep. Nursing throughout the night is just as distracting to him as it is comforting.  More and more, he is waking up cranky in the mornings. It took me awhile to come to peace with this transition, but a nursing relationship is just that – a relationship involving two parties, both of which need to be happy in order for the relationship to continue harmoniously. Not only will night weaning hopefully afford me more sleep and subsequently more energy and patience but it will bring more peace into our nursing relationship that will allow it to continue much longer.

Nursing Space: Having a single dedicated place to nurse is not that practical with an active toddler that is probably breastfeeding at home, in the car, in public, in bed, etc. but I have found for us that going into a more quiet, dimly lit room with less distractions does help. I plan on creating a little “nursing corner” in my son’s room, where we sit down, get comfortable, relax and always nurse in while at home.  When we are out and about if it is possible I will go into another less crowded or empty room, if that isn’t an option I like snuggling into the back seat of the car before we arrive or before we leave. My hope is that having to stop whatever activity my son is currently engaged with and leave it behind to go nurse will possibly change to having more nursing “sessions” than drive-by-just-a-couple-sips between ball throwing and block building.

 Babywear: My Ergobaby has been my single most used piece of “baby” equipment and I still use it at least once every day. I can unbuckle the back, loosen one shoulder strap and nurse my son comfortably, discreetly, hands free and ultra conveniently.  He nurses his longest stretches while being worn, and being outside and often walking allows for enough simulation that he relaxes in his pack and takes his time feeding. I see our baby wearing/breastfeeding time continuing well into the second year.

I will continue to share about our breastfeeding journey through year two as I put more of these into practice in our daily lives and look forward to hearing about how your breastfeeding relationships change and evolve over time too.

What all have you experienced with an older nursling? Do you have any other tips to continue the breastfeeding relationship successfully into the second year and beyond?


Wordless Wednesday: 5 Favorites

WE have had so many neat submissions on different topics that are important to creating a healthy family…here are five that demonstrate a different value we have:


BLOG WBW13 ww chandler1 spf


Babywearing on a hike

Babywearing on a hike

Co-sleepingBLOG SPF ww cosleep2


Green LivingBLOG ww140312 spf.7


Whole Food (and french fries!)

Night Owl eating out - nothing on the menu appealed to him, so he ordered his own smorgasbord for lunch!

Night Owl eating out – nothing on the menu appealed to him, so he ordered his own smorgasbord for lunch!



Milestone Monday! I survived NIP…

…with a toddler!  As you can see from the picture…this kiddo is active, and clearly not a “baby”.  I think for the most part as a general public we are more comfortable with babies being nursed in public…toddlers…not so much.

Otter is pushing me much farther out of my comfort zone.  The oldest nursling I had breastfed in public was Charger…and I stopped nursing him in public right around his second birthday as my pregnancy with Otter was progressing.

She is now 29 months old, and this “baby” of ours will not take no for an answer.  She wants her “leche” and she wants it now!  So, I nursed her in front of a whole bunch of folks and horses at the gymkhana we went to yesterday afternoon…and it was no big deal!

Now, while I am working on setting boundaries and we are negotiating this NIP thing, it was a relief to be able to feed her and do so without any comments of negativity from bystanders.

What’s your share for Milestone Monday?

Breastfeeding: With All My Heart

I love this theme:  Anyone who has breastfed knows that it is definitely a journey.  It is not always easy, it is not always convenient, yet we persist because their is a core belief inside of a breastfeeding mother that it is the right thing to do.  I know very few breastfeeding mothers who do it out of obligation; though they exist.  No mommy wars here: I am by no means saying that mothers who went the formula route love their children any less.  I am marveling at the fact that there is a proven biophysical response built into the breastfeeding relationship that makes us fall a little more in love every time we breastfeed – and I am fascinated at the way our bodies work.

With that, here is a great family picture of a mommy nursing a baby, a big sister nursing her dolly, and daddy looking on in love at his family:

BLOG ww140219 spf.1Although I have shared the next two before in other posts, they went along with the heart theme in the pictures.  Here are our breastfed babies, who in all, have been breastfed a total of 125 months:

BLOG ww 1127 spf B2

Charger was my big helper on picture day - he helped brush them with melted butter, and then we sprinkled them with our cinnamon-xylitol blend.

Charger was my big helper on picture day – he helped brush them with melted butter, and then we sprinkled them with our cinnamon-xylitol blend.


Thoughtful Thursday: Nursing a Toddler

So Otter is now comfortably and officially wearing the “toddler” name.  She is 28-months old, and she is a good size for a two-year old.  We are fast approaching her “half-birthday” as some people call them, and I have to stretch my comfort zone to keep nursing in public.

Up to this point, the oldest child I nursed outside of our home has been no older than two.  When I was pregnant with Otter, Charger and I came to the agreement that I would only nurse him at home.  Although I restricted the place, I didn’t put restrictions on how often once it became apparent that he had no interest in weaning.

Otter hit the two-year mark back in October.  I started telling her, “Let’s wait until we get home,” to get very strong resistance…and when you are sitting in church with a family of six, already sticking out like a sore thumb in our Episcopal church, the last thing we want to do is draw MORE attention to ourselves…and Episcopal churches don’t generally have crying rooms…and our children like to sit in the second row next to the choir loft…so I would nurse her to keep the peace all around.  And, I am okay with nursing – I like all the toddler benefits of nursing so I do not necessarily want to wean at this point.


So here we are, well into the twos…and there is still no sign of wanting to wean.  Up to this point, she has always been fed “on demand”.  I am now at the point when I want to start setting boundaries.

These are the expectations I am starting to voice out loud, with the intention of having them set in peacefully, without having a tantrum (either one of us!):

  • You are a bigger girl now – I want you to wait until I am finished doing schoolwork with your siblings.
  • You are a bigger girl now – we will start waiting until we get home to nurse.
  • You are a bigger girl now – you can play, do a puzzle or read a book until mommy can sit with you to nurse.

I am trying to give her options that still say “Yes” to nursing while still starting to teach her that I am not a 24/7 milk bar.  While I had no challenge with that in the newborn, or even the 1-year old phase, I am starting to feel like she uses nursing as a way to get attention, or to take attention away from her siblings.  She also plays little games when she is nursing, which make it very hard to do anything else except pay attention to her.  So, big lesson as I am writing this…we need to start doing one-on-one activities that do not include breastfeeding!

By the same token, I know I am not ready to wean, especially her.  Breastmilk is still a bioavailable food source, still chock full of nutrients for a toddler.  It is still a way for us to connect.  I will definitely miss the breastfeeding chapter when it’s over.

Most importantly to me, both of our nurslings are still getting anti-bodies and immunities when they are fighting viruses or bacteria.  As a matter of fact, last week Charger was bugging me to nurse more often one day, and trying to be a good wife and honor my husband’s wishes that he be done nursing, I said no.  I felt terrible when he woke up throwing up the next day.  A few extra nursing sessions that day and he was back in good form the following day.  And, we are back to our once a day, if and when it happens, nursing schedule for him.

I know I can’t nurse them back to health forever, however, I will probably think twice about denying either of them the next time they want to nurse more often than the current status quo.  Or, maybe, just pump or express in Charger’s case so that he can still get breastmilk although that would miss the exchange of information from his saliva to the breast for the immunities he needs…I don’t know.  I will figure it out if and when we get there.

I could definitely use some pointers – this is new territory for me.  What have you done to set boundaries with your nursing toddler?  Or maybe you don’t?  Tell me more…

Monday Musings: Living Gentle

This is one of Cassandra’s favorite quotes that she shared with me over the weekend.  As it turns out, it is exactly what I needed today.  We have a second child down with a crazy fever.  Lying in bed with her today, cradling, nursing…when I had fun art projects planned, writing and posting to do…ugh.

This sense of UGH could have permeated our whole day if I had let it.  Instead, I am just breathing.  Breathing before I speak.  Breathing before I write.  Breathing as our nursling latches again.

And so far, so good.  I have caught myself a couple of times and changed my tone.  I chose to be flexible and simply set-up the art project without participating.  The work that resulted was great…one more confirmation that letting our children think and create for themselves is a great thing!

So, on this day that could have been full of the side effects of my disappointment, the kiddos have had a pretty decent day.  Puma made nutritious smoothies that also turned into popsicles, the only thing Otter has eaten today, besides chocolate chips.  Now Puma and Coach Bruss are making chocolate chip cookies (which was supposed to be “our” thing), and it will probably turn into the second thing Otter eats – LOL.  I can hope that we can all look at today and learn that gentleness and self-control are possible, even when things don’t go according to plan.

The silver lining?  Thank goodness that Otter is still nursing.  She is refusing ibuprofen and most food, so skin-to-skin, liquid food is just what our toddler needs right now.  Everything else has gone on, the world is not going to end because I didn’t get to do what I had planned today…nourishing and nursing this sweet pea back to health is definitely the best choice I could make for today.

Thank you, Parenting Wild Things, for the great mantra and the beautiful image.  HERE is a link to the post that featured this image.

Thoughtful Thursday: The “Journey”

Being at MommyCon last Sunday, hearing the great speakers, seeing all the naturally-minded mamas, families, and companies…it was such a great way to start the week.  Lots of talk about birth – breastfeeding – parenting – choices.  The theme that ran through all the speeches, although I think very much unplanned, was about the cycle of things, and the journey we are on.

I followed that day up with a coaching session with Blue Russ on Monday…it really brought my “journey” into technicolor.  She asked me some hard questions – some I don’t have an answer to yet.  The word journey is used in so many platitudes about life and living…yet I look at where I am today and I see it.

I am on a path that I don’t want to leave, yet in order to continue to grow, I have to move onto the next chapter, way station, season, turn the corner…what ever you want to call it.  There is so much that I love about pregnancy, labor, birth, breastfeeding, infancy…so much that is unique, irreplaceable and it cannot be duplicated.  I don’t know what I am going to find that meets the satisfaction I find in that life cycle.

And yet, reality sinks in.  We can’t possibly keep adding children infinitely.  Our respective ages as parents (both 40+), our financial stability, our goals for our family…it feels like it is time to stop having children.  I see our children’s insatiable desire for the things they love – they want more dolls, Legos, what ever their obsession du jour is.  I reflect and wonder, and find the lesson – am I the cause of this?  Is my seemingly insatiable desire for more pregnancy-birth-breastfeeding-babies rubbing off on them?

My eyes are starting to well with tears as I write this.  This sharing with you – the rawness at my core – I am hoping it will be one more step in starting to leave this path of “the baby craze clock ticking” phase, and move onto the path of “growing with the children” phase.

I am getting used to the fact that my breastfed toddler is it.  There will be no more babies to take her place at the breast when she weans.  We are going to move on as a family, and she will never get to be a big sister to a biological sibling.

So what am I grateful for as a mourn this transition?  I am grateful for our four healthy children.  I am grateful for the ability to have children.  I am grateful for the most amazing spouse I could have dreamed of – he is just right for me.  I am grateful that we live in a time and a place where we can teach, and help other families learn about the things that have made such a difference to us as parents.

So today, I have taken one more step toward being okay with not being pregnant again.  Please accept my thanks for letting me share this with you.  And please understand why I may tear up when I see you holding your sweet, smiling infant.  It’s just because I love what you two have – and I wish you all the best on your journey.

Tuesday Tips: MommyCon 411

Collaborative post by Krystyna (writing & photos) & Cassandra (photos – lots of them!!)

We had such a wonderful time at Mommy Con LA.  It would be nice if everyone who wanted to go could make it there…just in case you were one of the families that did not make it, here is a recap for you…here are all the vendors we visited…I think we saw them all…and even did a little buying!!

Consolation prize…at least you did not have to stand in these lines…



Map of convention hall:


Our little disclaimer: just because they are on our list is not an endorsement.  All the info in quotes is directly from info on their marketing materials we picked up on the day of the event, or that the vendor provided for us.  I did add a few comments here and there, just to liven up the post a little 🙂

I included the vendor name, marketing blurbs and contact info if you are interested.  They are not linked because I didn’t want to “break” the page with 80+ links.

Enjoy this “virtual” Mommy Con LA experience…later this week…the Babywearing World Record & Fashion Show photos 🙂

Red Tricycle
Event and life-style magazine for families

“Red Tricycle focuses on the “lighter side” of parenting, offering ideas for cool things to see, eat, make and do with your kids, in your neighborhood.”
“Our mission is simple: To help parents have more fun with their kids.”


MD Moms
Skin care products for baby + family

“We’re the MD Moms – Dr. Diane Truong and Dr. JJ Levenstein.  We are nationally recognized, board-certified pediatricians and moms.  We were inspired bt the needs of our patients and our own children to create Baby Silk, the first personal care line for babies developed by pediatrician-moms.”
888.636.6672 (888.MDMOMS2)

Showcasing their classic MOBY® and their new MOBY®GO



Herbal products to support pregnancy and breastfeeding

“Motherlove is dedicated to helping women with low milk supply provide the best start for their babies.  Our safe and effective herbal formulas, made with certified organic herbs help increase a mother’s milk supply.  Low breast milk can be a result of many factors.  We suggest you confer with a lactation consultant for help determining the cause of your low milk supply.”
Motherlove® also has products to support a mama in pregnancy and the postpartum period, as well as other breastfeeding products.  For a look at their whole product line and to find a store near you, visit their website at

Nüroo Pocket & Scarf
Promoting Skin-to-Skin and Breastfeeding

Daniella from Nüroo was demoing the blouse and the nursing scarf for us.  These are made from super-soft fabric (think: soft yoga pants!) and designed with maximum practicality in mind.

The scarf can be used as an infinity scarf when it is snapped together, or as a shawl with creative snapping, or as a traditional scarf when it is left open.

The pocket is designed for skin-to-skin contact
“Skin-to-skin contact is a holding technique where baby is wearing only a diaper, positioned vertically on mom’s bare chest.
“An uninterrupted 60 minutes creates hormonal cascade that delivers these benefits and more:
Benefits to baby:
Accelerates Brain Development
Less Crying + Colic
Builds Immunity
Improves Sleep + Weight Gain

Benefits to mom:
Increases Milk Production
Reduces Risk of Post Partum Depression
Learn all the benefits of Skin-to-Skin at”

In8love Chiropractic
Chiropractic care for the whole family – here is Liz:

“Chiropractic care is more than just making the pain disappear. It is about learning, understanding and taking care of your body to improve your quality of life.” ~Dr. Tanya Reynolds, D.C.

Dr. Tanya Reynolds provides Prenatal Care, Pediatric Care, Pain Managment, Hormonal Imbalance, Low Back Pain, Sciatica, Numbness Tingling, back pain relief, neck pain relief to the following locations: Santa Monica, Brentwood, East Los Angeles, Westwood, Century City.
11340 W Olympic Blvd #204
Los Angeles, CA 90064

Fertility Miracles
Where destinies meet and journeys begin


They were handing out these yummies as a thanks for stopping by – chocolate covered pretzels – yum!Image

“Through egg donation, as well as both gestational and traditional surrogacy, Fertility Miracles is redefining the possibilities of both modern medicine and the modern family.”

The 4th Trimester Bodies Project
“dedicated to embracing the beauty inherent in the changes brought to our bodies by motherhood, childbirth and breastfeeding”

(L) Laura – photography assistant and hair & makeup artist
(R) Ashlee Wells Jackson – photographer
Their vision is to sell a book of collected images from their photo shoots with clients, and establish a traveling gallery that celebrates women

Crisanta is the photographer behind these beautiful images

Arms Reach Co-Sleeper
Providing options for families that want to co-sleep without bedsharing


“Many parents, aware of reports in the media about babies dying in adult beds, put their infants away from – from the very first day – to a full-sized crib.  Unfortunately, babies put to sleep in distant cribs have a suffocating rate more than double that of babies who are co-sleeping.  Parents are receiving dangerous advice from authorities that have been led to trust.  Both James McKenna, Ph.D., and Dr. William Sears, experts on the sleep habits of babies, endorse the Arm’s Reach® CO-SLEEPER® bassinet as the ideal way in which to keep a baby safe and close for comfort and breastfeeding.  They both state that an infant sleeping “within arm’s reach” of the parents’ bed dramatically reduces the risk of SIDS and leads to healthier babies and happier parents.”

Orbit Baby
Modern, practical and green design for car seats and strollers
With snack tray:

Soft bar – great for teething according to the rep – the fabric also zips off for washing.  Note that this is also their dual-seat frame design:

Recline to use as a pram (they also have an actual pram option!)

Genius for hot days – a vented back for air circulation:

All folded up!  The seat fits nicely on top for compact storage:

Besides the fact they are beautiful to look at and use, we love that the Orbit products are green.
“We make the world’s first strollers and car seats with fabrics and foams certified clean by Okeo-Tex® Standard 100, which are easier on your baby’s skin.  Our organic dual-layer fabric is made with organic cotton, and is free of harsh chemicals while still providing the safety of flame retardancy.”
877.672.2229 (877.ORB.BABY)

Sloomb provided the Cloth Diaper Resource Center, as well as offering cloth diaper products and accessories for sale.



“we care about what goes into our products. we care about what we leave behind for our kids. sustainablebabyish|sloomb♥tm was born out of the need for a better fit, softer diapers and covers, & the desire to bring earth-friendly baby products in great colors to your home. we are committed to offering you a low impact, durable product for you & your children to love and enjoy.”

The most fun table with a cloth diaper changing contest!

Cloth Diapers for your Little Rock Star – A 5-in-1cloth diaper your child can ROCK from birth to potty training.

Spray Pal
Cloth diaper cleaning product
Here was another game for attendees to spin the wheel and win prizes!!


“Frustrated with your cloth diaper sprayer because you’re forced to wipe down the bathroom every time you spray a diaper? Save time and keep your bathroom clean with Spray Pal, the cloth diaper sprayer splatter shield!”

Jaq Jaq Bird®
Accessories for the real world


A machine-washable line of PVC, PBA & phthalate free products that are also CPSC certified.  They offer chalk activity mats (and the chalk!), binky keepers, sippy catchers, toddler bibs, activity aprons, wet pouches, snack pouches, and tote bags.

Clean Bee Baby
Eco-friendly car seat and stroller cleaning


Jennifer & Karen were there representing cleenbeebaby, the eco-friendly cleaning service for car seats and strollers.  They offer stroller and car seat detailing and disinfection, professional car seat installation, and stroller repairs and tune-ups

Episencial and Dr. Berlin’s Wellness Suite
Offered free massages all day long – pampering!!!


Info about Episcencial from their PR department:
Babytime! by Episencial is #1 in hospital birthing centers – the bestselling organic brand in hospitals in the US and Canada. They make a 3-step system for baby’s every skin need from basic care to eczema and even severe diaper rash. Available at Whole Foods, Sprouts, Pharmaca and
Here are a couple quick videos to learn more about the brand:

Screen Shot 2013-10-08 at 10.49.06 AMBLOG momyconvendors epi
800.690.1610 phone/fax

Purveyors of essential oils


“Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. If you have ever enjoyed the gift of a rose, a walk by a field of lavender, or the smell of fresh cut mint, you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. In addition to giving plants their distinctive smells, essential oils provide plants with protection against predators and disease and play a role in plant pollination.”

HUSH Pure Sleep
Organic sleep sacks designed for your baby’s comfort


These sleep sacks made their debut at MommyCon!  It was an honor to meet the founder and hear the HUSH story.  These sleep sacks have design features that Claudia intentionally made with you in mind.  No tags to scratch or irritate sensitive skin, a zipper that zips from the top down so that you don’t have to take the baby out of the sleep sack to change their diaper, and a cloud logo to inspire sweet dreams imprinted at the base of the neck.  The spring/summer sack is in production and ready for purchase…we also got to see the fall/winter sack that is in prototype…same delicious colors and soft fabrics with a layer of bunting inside to add extra warmth in the cooler seasons.
+31 238448061 Tel
+31 646727395 Mob

Belli Vita
Custom Belly Bowls and Artistry from Pregnancy, Breast and Torso Casts.


todayshow2bluebelly2green blown glass1“BelliVita crafts breathtakingly beautiful pieces of art from body castings, with a focus on the pregnant form.  Our pieces range in style, size, texture and color – from natural rough casts of the human torso, to hand-painted porcelain belly bowls and glass bowls that capture the precious moments of pregnancy.  The result is an exquisite work of sculptural art that you can proudly display and cherish for life.”
Available throughout the US, Canada and Europe.
855.235.5484 Toll-free
206.841.1891 Local

The only COMPLETE™ Baby Carrier


From their website:
“Behind the Scenes” of the líllébaby®COMPLETE™ Baby Carrier
We set out to make the best baby carrier in the world. It took years, lots of research, and old-fashioned hard work.
“COMPLETE” was originally the project name as we were making the next generation of baby carriers. Our mission was to design a baby carrier that was complete in every way; complete in comfort, functionality, safety and style.
We made a vow to not launch until every team member felt it was truly a perfect carrier – and that took a looooong time. After endless hours of studying parents, interviewing and observing, designing and changing it, the baby carrier has evolved to the finest generation yet.”

Smart baby gear inspired by Dutch designers



“Engineered with extreme endurance testing and real-parent problem solving in mind, our simple products take some work out of being a new parent.”

I think my favorite concept is that of the leaf baby seat, “inspired by the carefree float of a leaf on a breeze,” here is Cassandra enjoying the oversize display at the end of the day:

Crane and Rhoost
Humidifiers designed for better living

“Crane Cool Mist humidifiers provide the necessary moisture to relieve nasal decongestion.  Running a cool mist humidifier in your baby’s room at night will not only thin your baby’s nasal mucus, but will help your baby sleep peacefully at night.”

“Thoughtfully Designed to Fit Your Family from Birth to Booster.”


“At BRITAX, our commitment to improving child safety through research, testing, design and community advocacy is unparalleled.  We design our car seats to exceed safety standards set be the federal government and continually enhance our products with new technologies that distribute crash forces away from your child during a crash.”


“A Unique Collection of Beautiful Accessories for New Moms”



“We offer Babywearing classes and consultations by a certified Babywearing Educator.”


Groovy stylin’ headbands, leg warmers, hats and more!


“With every purchase you make, will send a coordinating item to a child in need. Enclosed with your purchase will be a “Giving the Gift of Good!”card with the item that was donated on your behalf, and who will receive that item. Every single purchase you make will be a gift you are giving a child; a headband or hat to boost a child’s self esteem, blankets for long cold nights for kids who don’t have a home, along with jackets, warm hats and toothbrushes. Hopefully you can find something for a child you love and at the same time you will be bringing some love to a child you will never know! Thank you for helping us in “Giving the Gift of Good”!”

WTF: what’s the foonf? the mother of all car seats


“Foonf was designed to international best practices for extended rear-facing use, which is to accommodate children in a rear-facing position until their 4th birthday.  Foonf features an Anti-Rebound Bar for improved stability and performance in the event of a collision.”

Baby Hawk
“Comfort. Style. Freedom. Custom designed baby carriers.”

BLOG mommycon babyhawk

BabyHawk Mei Tai – newborn to 40 pounds – Front, Back or Hip carry
Oh Snap! Soft Structured Carrier – 15-45 pounds – Front or Back carry

Founded in 2005, BabyHawk Inc. is a certified woman-owned and proud US manufacturer of Baby Carriers.  As a privately held company BabyHawk is proud to be the quality leader in the custom made Baby Carrier industry through innovative product design, merchandising and product quality.  In order to facilitate the company’s ability to develop new accessories and accommodate on time delivery deadlines, BabyHawk manages it’s own sewing and manufacturing facility.

Onya Baby
For children 15-45 pounds

BLOG mommycon onya

“Onya Baby carriers are ergonomically designed to provide optimal comfort for both the parent and child.  Onya carriers have unique quality features, such as cutting-edge performance fabrics, large storage pockets and a built-in seat harness.  That’s what makes Onya Baby carriers stand out in a field of similar soft-structured carriers. You know that both your baby and you will be confortable and cool for long walks and, when you’re ready for a rest, you can stop anywhere knowing that, as long as there’s a chair nearby, you’ll have a safe seat for baby.”

Milkin’ Cookies
Delicious Lactation Cookies for Nursing Moms

BLOG mommycon cookies

“Created by two physician moms to support their own breastfeeding goals, Milkin’ Cookies are delicious, award-winning cookies packed with healthy ingredients to boost breast milk production.”
(Good luck keeping every one’s hands out of the cookie jar!! These are yummy!!)

The place for moms + moms-to-be


“A social and educational community for moms, expectant parents, and families in Los Angeles: Expectant Parent Dinners, Lunch and Learns, MomMepreneurship & Working Moms Events, MomMe’s Night Out, Pre/Post Natal Workouts & Seminars, Holiday socials, picnic, playgroups and more!”

happy family
Organic Superfoods


“Happy Family was founded and is operated by moms.  Shazi – our founder and CEO – started Happy Family to craft organic meals and snacks that nourish the most important parts of our lives: our families.  She and the entire Happy Family team have grown the business by caring about healthy, happy children just as much as you do.  That’s why we have moms all over the country to help spread the word about eating organic.”
Find a Happy Mama near you at:

Bump Club and Beyond
“Where moms and moms-to-be connect”


“Bump Club and Beyond is the largest social company in the country where moms and moms-to-be connect. Check out and join us for an event including our Beautiful Bellies and Beyond FREE fitness!”

The Pump Station Nursing Lounge


The Babywearing Lounge hosted by Beco and Ergo

We hope you enjoyed the tour of Mommy Con LA!! If you have any pictures that we should add to our post, please send them!! We missed pics of the BabyHawks and the Onya carrier, as well as the Clek Car Seat Connection.

What was your favorite stop at MommyCon??

Upcoming Event: Healthy Happy Baby Expo

I am so excited to announce the Healthy Happy Baby Expo coming up next Saturday, September 21, 2013.  We sat down with organizer Kim Swayman, owner of the Healthy Baby, Happy Earth store in Glendale, AZ.  Please read our interview with her over on Sweet Pea Birth‘s today.

Although it is billed as a “Baby Expo”, there will be plenty there for parents of older children.  Along with the usual fare of Breastfeeding Q&A, babywearing, and car seat safety, some of the other sessions are:

  • Protecting Your Little Explorer – Session taught by Nancy Dastrup, owner of Arizona Childproofers
  • Helping Siblings Adjust – Taught by Youth Etc. – Valley Clinical Services
  • Nutrition – Baby’s First Year- Presented by Lisa Ingermanson RD,CLC – Easter Seals Southwest Human Development
  • Fostering a Love of Reading – Offered with Michelle Clark from Babymoon Inn – she is known for creating early literacy play spaces in over 20 libraries and for providing training on early literacy across the country

Check out the complete listing at the event website,  I just got a note from Kim that the Comfort Measures Class offered by my colleague is full, and we are adding a second session.  It is definitely a great idea to pre-register for these free classes, save your seat, and get the most out of your day!!

Will we see you there?  We will be there in the afternoon after we teach our Bradley™ “Next” class.  Leave me a comment and let me know if we should look for you.